Youth and Literacy

Thesaurus Day

For over 15 years, Presque Isle Rotarian's have been entering 3rd grade classrooms in Presque Isle and surrounding schools to provide a free thesaurus to each student.  This provides Rotarians an opportunity to share a little bit about what we do within the community and also promote literacy efforts through a mini thesaurus lesson.

Purple Pinkie Project

It’s an activity that’s been done at elementary schools across the country to raise awareness for Rotary International’s polio eradication efforts. Polio has not been a problem in the U.S. for many years, but this is not the case in several developing countries. In 1985, Rotary International began raising funds in an effort to eliminate polio worldwide. By partnering with the World Health Organization and other government and private groups, Rotary International has achieved a 99 percent reduction of polio worldwide. However, there are still three countries where polio is endemic—Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria. To completely wipe out polio, Rotary International is raising funds and mobilizing volunteers to bring immunization projects to these areas. 

We work with schools in Presque Isle and surrounding schools -and partner with other Aroostook County Rotary Clubs and businesses- to raise money for the End Polio Now Campaign.  Students, teachers, and other participants donate at least $1 (the cost of one polio vaccine) and then we "paint" their pinkies purple. 


This annual Maine-wide event encourages and expands the reading horizon of students in the fourth to eighth grades. A list of 35 to 40 books is provided in the spring of each year and schools electing to participate can purchase all or some of the books. During the fall and winter students read the books their school has acquired. The program also runs a competition with 12 selected books. Students not only read one or more of the books they also compete online periodically with other schools answering questions and challenges about the books.

In 2019, Presque Isle Rotary Club partnered with Easton Elementary School to provide the books for the competition and they won their district competition!